jak wyciąnąć dyplomy z U30
Hello 30MDG member,

Let’s celebrate 30MDG 5 year Anniversary, 6,000 members and our 30MDG Awards program by promoting a weekend of 30 Meter Activity! We have a great group of digital ops on 30 Meters so why not meet up, experiment, rag chew with other members or non-members, DX and promote the 30 Meter Band – it’s a very unique and a great Band.

This email is a direct email to you since you are a 30MDG member and ALL of our almost 6,000 members will be receiving this same email/invite so we hope to have some good participation and activity on the 30 Meter Band this weekend.

Hope to see you on the 30 Meter Band the weekend of October 27/28 so if you have a few hours or want to play all day or night let’s get on the Band and have some fun! GL and as normal this is NOT a contest – no start stop times, no exchanges, no logs to send to anyone, no winners or trophy – this IS to PROMOTE awareness of the 30 METER BAND and the only winners are those that participate and have fun!

30 Meter Multi Mode Weekend

When: October 27th and 28th 2012

Where: 10 MHz - 30 Meter Band (10.100 – 10.150)

Objective: To promote experimenting and using different digital modes on the unique 30 Meter Band.

For a more detailed listing of this event go here:
(You are welcome to post this event information to your other digital friends, clubs, yahoo groups, websites, etc – please DO help us promote this event - the more that participate the more fun for all)

GL and CU on the 30 Meter Band
Don KB9UMT 30MDG#0001 Founder/Award Manager
And the 30MDG “Team”