DXDA EPC award
szatańskie "podchody"
właśnie dostałem odpowiedź

Moje pytania

Hello Joao, please info on Diploma DXDA

The Diploma includes QSOs to 01 May 2011 that all?
how to type for example, provinces such as the Ukrainian station or UT5 UR5 since the province is on the list such as UT-U and UR-T and is not intended or UT5 UR5?

Please accurate information

Janek SQ9JXB EPC-08009

I odpowiedź
od Joao

1. DXDA award series has no time or date restrictions. Contacts are valid at any date.

2. Prefixes given in the list are for the firsthand acquaintance with the main prefix system within the country. UT-U means UT1U, UT2U, UT3U, … UT9U, UT0U… etc It’s impossible to list all available prefixes in such a huge list. All prefixes are listed for general information. Same is for SP9. It could be SN9, SO9, SP9, SQ9, etc.
3. The most important thing is to maintain applicant’s ADIF log properly with the COMMENT field (see the last Paragraph of the rules).

Chyba teraz wszystko jasne
Nic tylko sortować log i wpisywać odpowiednie dane w polu COMMENT
Sami tez podajmy te informacje niech inni mają łatwiej