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Informacja dla zainteresowanych: Już jest dostępny program V4Chat ARQ mode (v., poniżej info z V4Protocol@yahoogroups.com
I have had some initial responses from the early testers that indicate at least the basics of the new release (Install, ARQ connects) are working as planned so I have uploaded the new install file for general use.
I am sure there are still some problems with this new version (many additions and changes) and there is still some tweaking and timing optimization to complete. There will probably be additional updates in the next week or so.
IMPORTANT!!! This new version and ALL following versions are NOT COMPATIBLE with the prior versions. This is due to the addition of interleaving which improves robustness in certain channels. The old version should no longer be used and will not be supported.
Download the V4Chat zip file. Unzip to a temp directory. READ THE READ ME FIRST FILE for instructions. If done correctly this will not loose any of your settings in your existing ini file (from the previous version). You will have to uninstall the existing version and re install using the new version.
Once installed start V4Chat and open the help file. Read the suggestions on FEC and ARQ connections and a suggestion on how to initiate a ARQ “CQ” and how to Answer the “CQ”. Since ARQ uses rapid and frequent Transmit receive switching it is ESSENTIAL that you have no additional hold or delay on the PTT line for this to work. Check the trouble shooting section of the help for problems. If you are using WINMOR the same setup that works for WINMOR should work fine for V4 ARQ. If you have not used an ARQ mode before please read about the ARQ mode and look at the ARQ state diagram in the V4Chat help.
If you have problems YOU MUST enable debug logging, capture the problem session and send me the debug log (V4 TNC Debug <date>.log ) and any exception logs. Please indicate the approximate time (UTC) of the problem.... (This really helps....I don’t have time to look through hundreds of K of logs). Send the log as an attachment DIRECTLY to rmuethingATcfl.rr.com and I will try and take a look at it. Posting a message saying “its broke” or “it crashed” is of no value and will not receive support (at least from me!).
At least until we flush out any bugs remaining in the ARQ mechanism PLEASE do not request feature, cosmetic or “fluff” additions or additional radio drivers. It is important to get the ARQ mode evaluated and tuned up before doing these kind of additions.
I will also post a new Development file of just the TNC with documentation. Other developers can use this (treating the V4 TNC similar to a hardware TNC) and integrate V4 into their applications. Unless you are doing development work you should not need this file or its documentation.