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SQ9JXB | 24.01.2011 07:34:22 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Suszec JO90JB
Posty: 1152 #636136 Od: 2010-7-9
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
30 Meter WAS – WAE – CIS Weekend
When: January 29th & 30th 2011
Where: 10 MHz - 30 Meter Band (10100 – 10150)
Objective: To promote 30 meter activity and those pursuing WAS (Worked All States), WAE (Worked All Europe), or CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). Some digital ops will also be experimenting with Video Text/Video ID or different digital modes on unique 30 Meter Band.
Those of you who want to participate using the more common modes of CW, BPSK31, RTTY, we welcome that, but those wanting to try other less used modes please do so and turn your RSID on to help others know what mode you are transmitting (common modes of BPSK31 or RTTY no need for RSID, do use RSID on the less common/exotic modes i.e. Olivia/Contestia/etc and/or in addition to RSID use Video ModeText to show others on the waterfall what mode is being used).
We suggest if the CW (10100-10130) or PSK (10140-10142) portions of the band have few signals being seen due to poor band conditions then look higher at 10142-10144 for Contestia, Olivia, etc weak signal modes or for sure if very poor propagation give JT65a a try at 10138-10139 just below 10140.
To add a twist to this weekend please give Video Text a try to show your State/Country on the waterfall so others can see at a glance on the waterfall where the signal is from and/or use Video ID (i.e. KB9UMT will use either Video Text of ‘IL’ or Video ID of ‘KB9UMT’ or for PA3GWH would use Video Text of ‘PA’ or Video ID of ‘PA3GWH’). For more information go to the www.30mdg.net site for a link to Video Text ID/Text information.
We welcome ALL 30MDG Members to participate this weekend (or anytime) on 30m Band. BUT we have to ask….will YOU be on the band to represent your State/Country? (We hope so! J )
We have members in all 50 States for WAS, members in 48 of the EU entities needed for WAE, and members in 8 of the 11 CIS so get on the band if you have time and have some fun!
For those States/Countries with 10 or less 30MDG Members we would like to see those States/Countries with fewer members on the Band because it usually indicates a harder to find State/Country to confirm. You know who you are but if you don’t please review the list below and again ANY and ALL Welcome but please those with fewer members give it a go and let others work you!
US States Summary (by number) -------------------------------------------- 92 -- FL (Florida) 89 -- TX (Texas) 83 -- CA (California) 75 -- NY (New York) 73 -- OH (Ohio) 72 -- PA (Pennsylvania) 55 -- NC (North Carolina) 49 -- GA (Georgia) 47 -- IL (Illinois) 46 -- VA (Virginia) 44 -- MI (Michigan) 42 -- IN (Indiana) 37 -- TN (Tennessee) 32 -- NJ (New Jersey) 31 -- AZ (Arizona) 31 -- MO (Missouri) 31 -- MD (Maryland) 28 -- WA (Washington) 26 -- AL (Alabama) 25 -- CO (Colorado) 25 -- MA (Massachusetts) 23 -- KY (Kentucky) 23 -- SC (South Carolina) 22 -- KS (Kansas) 21 -- WI (Wisconsin) 21 -- MS (Mississippi) 20 -- OR (Oregon) 19 -- MN (Minnesota) 19 -- NH (New Hampshire) 19 -- CT (Connecticut) 18 -- AR (Arkansas) 17 -- OK (Oklahoma) 16 -- ME (Maine) 16 -- IA (Iowa) 11 -- NV (Nevada) 10 -- WV (West Virginia) * 09 -- NE (Nebraska) * 09 -- MT (Montana) * 09 -- DE (Delaware) * 09 -- LA (Louisiana) * 08 -- ID (Idaho) * 08 -- NM (New Mexico) * 07 -- UT (Utah) * 05 -- VT (Vermont) * 04 -- AK (Alaska) * 04 -- RI (Rhode Island) * 03 -- WY (Wyoming) * 02 -- ND (North Dakota) * 02 -- HI (Hawaii) * 01 -- SD (South Dakota) *
EU [Europe] Members per DXCC Summary -------------------------------------------- 303 -- England 275 -- Italy 243 -- European Russia 222 -- Germany 168 -- France 145 -- Poland 122 -- Spain 122 -– Ukraine **CIS 95 -- Belgium 75 -- Netherlands 55 -- Czech Republic 49 -- Romania 48 -- Austria 43 -- Scotland 35 -- Sweden 32 -- Denmark 31 -- Greece 31 -- Switzerland 30 -- Croatia 26 -- Portugal 25 -- Hungary 22 -- Wales 20 -- Norway 18 -- Finland 18 -- Northern Ireland 18 -- Slovenia 18 -- Ireland 12 -- Serbia 10 –- Slovakia * 10 –- Bulgaria * 10 –- Estonia * 08 –- Belarus * **CIS 08 –- Kaliningr *ad 07 –- Latvia * 07 –- Lithuania * 06 –- Malta * 06 –- Azores * 06 –- Luxembourg * 05 –- Macedonia * 05 -- Bosnia-Herzegovina * 05 –- Sardinia * 04 –- Crete * 03 –- Jersey * 03 –- Iceland * 02 -- Balearic Islands * 02 –- Corsica * 02 –- Monaco * 02 -- Isle of Man * 01 –- Moldova * **CIS
Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS) -------------------------------------------- Armenia ** Azerbaijan ** Belarus ** Kazakhstan ** Kyrgyzstan ** Moldova ** Russia ** Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine ** Uzbekistan
AS [Asia] Members per DXCC Summary -------------------------------------------- 57 -- Asiatic Russia ** CIS 13 -- Kazakhstan ** CIS 7 -- Asiatic Turkey 6 -- Japan 6 -- Armenia ** CIS 5 -- West Malaysia 4 -- Israel 4 -- Thailand 3 -- India 3 -- Kyrgyzstan ** CIS 2 -- United Arab Emirates 2 -- Iraq 2 -- Lebanon 2 -- Cyprus 2 -- Azerbaijan ** CIS 2 -- Pakistan 1 -- Georgia 1 -- Saudi Arabia 1 -- Jordan 1 -- Sri Lanka 1 -- China 1 -- Oman
This event is NOT a Contest …no set times…no rules…no set exchanges…no winners other than those that participate with casual use of the 30 Meter Band and to promote activity on the Band knowing that others with like interests will be on this weekend to experiment, ragchew, DX and have some casual fun and maybe even work some stations towards your personal station goals of WAS - WAE – CIS!
Links to HamSpots (VK3AMA) 30m Spots and also LOTW/EQSL searches: http://hamspots.net/30mdg/ http://hamspots.net/30/ http://hamspots.net/lotw_state/ http://hamspots.net/lotw_dxcc/ http://hamspots.net/eqsl_state/ http://hamspots.net/eqsl_dxcc/
***Please note we are secondary users of the 30 Meter Band and to use good operating procedures
Have fun and hope to see you on the waterfall! Thanks Don KB9UMT 30MDG#0001 http://www.30MDG.net http://groups.yahoo.com/group/30MDG/
_________________ Niewiedza jest błogosławieństwem. Wiedząc wszystko nie byłoby nic do odkrycia http://emisje-cyfrowe.sq9jxb-sq6mno.pl/news.php http://sq9jxb-sq6mno.pl/news.php

73! Janek SQ9JXB Skype: sq9jxb |
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Electra | 14.03.2025 04:15:38 |

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SQ6AD | 24.01.2011 08:48:37 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Wrocław, JO81mc
Posty: 44 #636169 Od: 2010-7-9
| Exellent event, don't dream it do it. _________________ *** de Kamil VK3AI/sq6ad *** /freelance hamradio operator/ |
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JUREK | 24.01.2011 09:33:46 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: ZIĘBICE
Posty: 58 #636198 Od: 2010-7-9
| Będzie fajna zabawa DO ZOBACZENIA NA EKRANIE ! _________________ SQ6FHP Zb. Jurek Ziębice JO80mo |
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SQ7PGO | 26.01.2011 13:34:40 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Łęczyca
Posty: 860 #638141 Od: 2010-10-1
| KOledzy- w jakich godzinach jest u Was otwarte pasmo 30m ? _________________
log : MiXw2 anteny: hmmm trochę się już uzbierało GL VY 73! Petroniusz - SQ7PGO / SO7B-contest
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SQ9JXB | 26.01.2011 15:05:08 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Suszec JO90JB
Posty: 1152 #638249 Od: 2010-7-9
| Wczoraj robiłem łączności na paśmie 30M od godziny 9:00 UTC do 16:30 UTC ale dłużej tez szło porobić łączności. _________________ Niewiedza jest błogosławieństwem. Wiedząc wszystko nie byłoby nic do odkrycia http://emisje-cyfrowe.sq9jxb-sq6mno.pl/news.php http://sq9jxb-sq6mno.pl/news.php

73! Janek SQ9JXB Skype: sq9jxb |
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SQ7PGO | 26.01.2011 16:56:18 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Łęczyca
Posty: 860 #638381 Od: 2010-10-1
| Tak właśnie przegladam pasmo pod kątem weekendu i też widze ze już o tej porze 16:45 prawie nic nie odbieram-szczątki tylko przekazu. Cały dzień dzis od rana zreszta bardzo słąbe sygnały i mało czytelne mam. Od czasu do czasu jeszcze silniejsze stacje z RU słychac ale próbowałem z G i nie copy . Jak widac coś na ścieżce to mixw nie dekoduje juz i w głosniku cisza. Szum jest mały w granicach do 1s. _________________
log : MiXw2 anteny: hmmm trochę się już uzbierało GL VY 73! Petroniusz - SQ7PGO / SO7B-contest
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sp6eiy | 29.05.2011 16:47:20 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: JO80ru
Posty: 110 #705500 Od: 2010-7-9
Ilość edycji wpisu: 4 | Kolejna Kontestowa ustawka 4/5 czerwca 2011
Dear Fellow PSK Contester,
DigiFest is sponsored: by Kyiv Contest Group with support of - MixW team - Rig Expert Ukraine, Ltd.
The contest helds 1-th full weekend in June every year. I Period 04:00 UTC - 12:00 Saturday 4 June 2011 II Period 20:00 UTC - 04:00 Saturday 4 June / Sunday 5 June 2011 III Period 12:00 UTC - 20:00 Sunday 5 June 2011
Modes: BPSK63, RTTY75 (75 baud), MFSK16, HELLSCHREIBER, OLIVIA (250 Hz, 4 tones). Bands: 80m-10m (except 14070..14071 which is reserved for non-contest operation).
Categories: SO ALL modes and bands HI/LOW, SO ALL modes and bands 8 hour. HI/LOW, SO Single band, SO Single mode, MO.
Exchange: Signal report + Grid Square 4 Characters (Example: 599 KO50). QSO points: 1 point per 1 Km of distance (calculated by centers of Grid Squares). Multiplier: Grid Squares number once per log.
Logs: upload online http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/digifest_log.php
or email to:digifest_robot@mixw.net.
Awards, prizes and trophies: Antenna Analyzers AA-230, AA-30, Rigexpert USB Interfaces, T-Shirts, certificates More details at http://www.mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/rulese2011.htm
All the very best and 73! Sergei UX1UA aka UV5U
Contest Log Checker Software
www.contestlogchecker.com _________________ -- gdyby wszyscy ludzie dobrej woli ... http://sp6eiy.pl --> Digital Club & Award's SP6EIY ex SP40EIY - SP6EIY/QRP max 5W vy 73 Stanisław |
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SQ7PGO | 29.05.2011 18:21:54 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Łęczyca
Posty: 860 #705532 Od: 2010-10-1
| No fajnie ale.... widzial ktos gdzieś na mixw.net czy digitalrus staty.dlle do tych zawodów? Jakos dziwnie to wyglada bo tych zawodów wogóle nie widac w zestawieniu na QRZ-RU contest ? Czyzby jakis ostracyzm? _________________
log : MiXw2 anteny: hmmm trochę się już uzbierało GL VY 73! Petroniusz - SQ7PGO / SO7B-contest
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sp6eiy | 29.05.2011 19:06:21 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: JO80ru
Posty: 110 #705567 Od: 2010-7-9
Ilość edycji wpisu: 3 | Ku pokrzepieniu serc i ducha - kolejna ustawka i rozdwojeniu na zasadzie "żaby" gdzie stanąć wsród "mądrych czy pięknych" czyli co zaliczać ??
Hello Stanislaw (SP6EIY - 30MDG#3872) Thank you for being a 30MDG Member and because you are a member we want to send you a personal invitation to this 30 Meter Weekend Event, we hope you will join in with your other group members on the 30 Meter Band. You are welcome to pass this information along to your other digital friends or digital group forums. Thank you for joining in with us on the 30 Meter Band and this should prove to be a fun weekend. Don KB9UMT 30MDG#0001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
30 Meter Multi Mode Weekend When: June 4th and 5th Where: 10 MHz - 30 Meter Band (10.100 - 10.150)
Objective: To promote experimenting and using different digital modes on the unique 30 Meter Band. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Those of you who want to participate using the more common modes of CW, BPSK31, RTTY, we welcome that, but those wanting to try other less used modes please do so and turn your RSID on to help others know what mode you are transmitting (common modes i.e. BPSK31/RTTY no need for RSID, do use RSID on the less common/exotic modes i.e. QBSK/HELL/MSK/DOMINOEX/THOR/THROB/CONTESTIA/OLIVIA/ECT). A number of digital mode groups will be participating this weekend so if you have wanted to try out a new digital mode or make some contacts using less common digital modes this weekend might be of interest to you. There are a number of multi-mode digital software programs so this is also a chance to get on the 30 Meter Band to try them out. Most of them have RSID/TXID (Reed Solomon Identifier- automatic mode detection and tuning). This event is NOT a contest.no set times.no rules.no exchanges.no winners other than those that participate with casual use of the 30 Meter Band knowing that others with like interests will be on this weekend to experiment, ragchew, DX and have some fun trying different digital modes!
Where on the 30 Meter Band to find different digital mode activity: (Note: these are suggested only and observations of known digital mode activity) 10.100 - 10.130 CW 10.132 - SSTV-Narrow (MP73-N) Region 2 10.135 - 10.138 - FeldHELL 10.1386 - MEPT/WSPR 10.138-10.140 - JT65 (WSJT) 10.1405 - PROPNET & PropNet Robots (BPSK31) 10.139-10.141 WSPR (QSO MODE-WSJT) 10.140 - 10.141 BPSK31 QRP 10.140 - 10.142 BPSK31 - DX Region 1,2,3 (or BPSK/QPSK,31,63,125,<125hz) 10.142 - 10.145 RTTY,MFSK,THOR,THROB,DOMINO,OLIVIA,CONTESTIA,etc. 10.144 - 10.145 ROS (Region 2 -note not legal in USA) 10.144 - FeldHELL (Region 1) 10.144 - SSTV-Narrow (MP73-N) Region 1 10.142 - 10.144 - ALE-400hz 10.145 - 10.148 - ALE-2khz 10.147 - 10.148 PSKMail/APRS 10.1491 - 10.1495 APRS Operating hints for the weekend: - Do use RSID (RXID/TXID) for the less common/exotic modes (i.e. Contestia,Olivia,Domino,etc) - Do CQ with RSID for more than just a few of CQ's, don't expect to have someone to reply on a less common used mode the first few CQ's.give it a while for others to find you and the mode being used - Do use good operating habits - clean signal, lowest wattage to complete the QSO, QRL in common mode first, if band is busy or crowded spread out or use narrower width modes (i.e. if band is busy don't use OLIVIA 8/500 in the middle of the 30 Meter PSK 10.141 portion of the Band-not good operating habit if the band is busy and you will not make many friends) - Do have fun and compare modes, wattage, antennas, etc with other operators that are interested to do the same..most the 30 Meter Digital Operators are not Call,599,73 most want a QSO (even DX) - Do use http://www.HamSpots.net for spotting, announcements of mode, etc. - Do use the other digital ops with more experience most seasoned digital ops on 30 Meters are very helpful and will have the patience to help if needed.also might use and log on to HamSpots (link below) ***Please note we are secondary users of the 30 Meter Band and to use good operating procedures http://www.30mdg.net/tips.html Have fun and hope to see you on the waterfall!
Thanks from the 30 Meter Digital Group (30MDG) celebrating 5,000 members!
Don kb9umt 30MDG#0001 /url]http://www.30MDG.net[/url] /url]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/30MDG/[/url]
Według mnie i jedno i drugie potrochu można zaliczyć ciekawe łączności i nowe rodzje emisjii. ! _________________ -- gdyby wszyscy ludzie dobrej woli ... http://sp6eiy.pl --> Digital Club & Award's SP6EIY ex SP40EIY - SP6EIY/QRP max 5W vy 73 Stanisław |
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sp6eiy | 29.05.2011 19:14:20 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: JO80ru
Posty: 110 #705576 Od: 2010-7-9
| Petroniusz a po co statystyki tu wklejasz log z łącznosciami http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/digifest_log.php i po "ptokach" _________________ -- gdyby wszyscy ludzie dobrej woli ... http://sp6eiy.pl --> Digital Club & Award's SP6EIY ex SP40EIY - SP6EIY/QRP max 5W vy 73 Stanisław |
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SQ7PGO | 29.05.2011 22:43:12 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Łęczyca
Posty: 860 #705719 Od: 2010-10-1
Ilość edycji wpisu: 1 | Po co , po co? No jak tam bedzie obliczane wg kilometrów odległości pomiedzy stacjami to chciałbym chociaż wiedziec co sie dzieje w czasie zawodów ! Wysyłamy lokator 4-znaki . Jakie zaliczam km jakie by sie przydały itd itp. Takie zawody to dla mnie następna nowość ! Faktycznie jak poczytałem o tych mnogosciach emisji na 30m to dostałem oczopląsu  Zreszta nie wiem jeszcze czy bede miał na czas nowe Radio- dotychczasowe juz poszło dzisiaj cieszyć następnego ham'sa. Jak nawet będe miał nowe to jak tu sie go nauczyc w tak krótkim czasie? _________________
log : MiXw2 anteny: hmmm trochę się już uzbierało GL VY 73! Petroniusz - SQ7PGO / SO7B-contest
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Electra | 14.03.2025 04:15:38 |

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SQ9JXB | 30.05.2011 12:42:17 |

Grupa: Użytkownik
Lokalizacja: Suszec JO90JB
Posty: 1152 #705895 Od: 2010-7-9
Ilość edycji wpisu: 1 | Jestem na zwolnieniu lekarskim to wezmę udział w zawodach.
Stanisław - myślę że 10.140 do 10.144 warto obskoczyć. I jak ktoś chce to i CW też
Będę używał HRD to nie będzie problemu. A tak po prawdzie, 2 dni to obskoczy sie wszystkie emisje oprócz SSTV ( tej nie lubię)
Petroniusz - statystyki tu nie potrzebne. A pasmo 30m - ciekawe i kapryśne. Zresztą rozmawialiśmy o tym na ŁOŚ-u
Zrobiłem Verticala na pasmo 30M , jak dotąd sprawuje się dobrze. _________________ Niewiedza jest błogosławieństwem. Wiedząc wszystko nie byłoby nic do odkrycia http://emisje-cyfrowe.sq9jxb-sq6mno.pl/news.php http://sq9jxb-sq6mno.pl/news.php

73! Janek SQ9JXB Skype: sq9jxb |